
GET api/v2.0/Announcements/GetAnnouncements?announcementTypeFilter={announcementTypeFilter}&communityKey={communityKey}&micrositeGroupTypeRouteDesignKey={micrositeGroupTypeRouteDesignKey}&sortOrder={sortOrder}&maxResults={maxResults}&includeAnnouncementsWithNoType={includeAnnouncementsWithNoType}

Returns a list of Announcements given the specified criteria.

GET api/v2.0/Announcements/GetAnnouncement?announcementKey={announcementKey}

Returns the details of the specified Announcement.


Operations to return Answer-related information. These endpoints will be used for altering or modifying fields related to answers only. This does not include publishing an answer since that is question-dependent.

POST api/v2.0/Answer/Recommend?answerKey={answerKey}

Acts as a toggle for recommending an answer. A POST request will recommend while DELETE will remove the recommendation. An answer recommendation refers to the answer being "Helpful" in a Q and A thread.

DELETE api/v2.0/Answer/Recommend?answerKey={answerKey}

Acts as a toggle for recommending an answer. A POST request will recommend while DELETE will remove the recommendation. An answer recommendation refers to the answer being "Helpful" in a Q and A thread.

GET api/v2.0/Answer/Get?answerKey={answerKey}

Returns the details of the specified Answer.

DELETE api/v2.0/Answer/Delete?answerKey={answerKey}

Administrator-only endpoint to delete the specified answer.

POST api/v2.0/Answer/Edit

Edit an existing answer


POST api/v2.0/Authentication/Login

Generates a Authentication Token for the user with the specified credentials.

GET api/v2.0/Authentication/GetTenantDetail?communityUrl={communityUrl}

Returns information about a Tenant for a given Connected Community Site Url.

POST api/v2.0/Authentication/Widget

Used to Authenticate to the Widgets Platform


GET api/v2.0/AutomationRules/GetActiveRulesByType

Retrieves a list of Automation Rules and associated data. Accessible only by Admin Users.

GET api/v2.0/AutomationRules/GetContactsByRuleScheduleKey?ruleScheduleKey={ruleScheduleKey}&integrationId={integrationId}

Retrieves a list of Contacts for which the specified RuleSchedule applies. Accessible only by Admin Users.

GET api/v2.0/AutomationRules/GetContactData?ruleScheduleKey={ruleScheduleKey}&maxRecords={maxRecords}&continuationToken={continuationToken}&fieldList={fieldList}

Returns a page of the requested Contact Data fields.

GET api/v2.0/AutomationRules/GetContactDataFields

Returns a list of field names that can be requested via the GetContactData() Endpoint.

GET api/v2.0/AutomationRules/GetContactDataSubsetByRuleScheduleKey?ruleScheduleKey={ruleScheduleKey}&integrationId={integrationId}

Returns the requested subset of Contact Data.


POST api/v2.0/Blogs/GetLatestEntries

Retrieves the Blog Entries that meet the filter conditions.

GET api/v2.0/Blogs/GetBlogEntriesByGrouping?groupingType={groupingType}&maxRecords={maxRecords}

Retrieves Blog Entries by the specified GroupingType.

POST api/v2.0/Blogs/CreateBlog

Create a new Blog.

POST api/v2.0/Blogs/PublishBlog?blogKey={blogKey}

Publishes a previously Saved Blog. If the Blog has already been Published, no changes are made.

POST api/v2.0/Blogs/UpdateBlog?blogKey={blogKey}

Update a Blog's Title, Text, Comment Permissions, View Permissions and Associated Community.

POST api/v2.0/Blogs/AddRelatedLink?blogKey={blogKey}

Adds the specified URL as a RelatedLink to the specified Blog.

GET api/v2.0/Blogs/GetBlogsByContactKey?contactKey={contactKey}

Retrieves all Published Blog Entries created by the Member with the specified ContactKey.

GET api/v2.0/Blogs/GetBlog?blogKey={blogKey}

Retrieves the specified Blog by its key. If the specified key does not match an existing BlogKey, no results will be returned. If the User making the request does not have view permissions for the specified Blog, no results will be returned.

POST api/v2.0/Blogs/RecommendBlog?blogKey={blogKey}

Adds a recommendation for the specified Blog.

DELETE api/v2.0/Blogs/DeleteBlogRecommendation?blogKey={blogKey}

Removes a previously made recommendation.

DELETE api/v2.0/Blogs/DeleteBlog?blogKey={blogKey}

Deletes a Blog.

POST api/v2.0/Blogs/AddComment?blogKey={blogKey}

Add a new Comment to a Blog.

POST api/v2.0/Blogs/UpdateComment?blogCommentKey={blogCommentKey}

Updates the specified Blog Comment with new Comment Text.

DELETE api/v2.0/Blogs/DeleteRelatedLink?relatedResourceKey={relatedResourceKey}

Deletes the specified RelatedLink.

DELETE api/v2.0/Blogs/DeleteComment?blogCommentKey={blogCommentKey}

Deletes the specified Blog Comment.


GET api/v2.0/Comments/Get?itemKey={itemKey}&limit={limit}

This will return a collection of comments for a particular item on the site. The content types that can have comments associated to it are Blogs, Documents, and Events

GET api/v2.0/Comments/Get?commentKey={commentKey}

Returns the details of the specified Comment.

GET api/v2.0/Comments/GetComments?afterCommentKey={afterCommentKey}&beforeCommentKey={beforeCommentKey}&limit={limit}

This will retrieve a paginated set of comments based on the commentKey provided. Using the afterCommentKey is recommended when continuing the default order of comments provided by the Get endpoint or other various endpoints. Either the afterCommentKey or the beforeCommentKey must be provided. If both keys are put in the request, the afterAnswerKey will take precedence.


GET api/v2.0/Communities/Get?communityKey={communityKey}

Given the unique identifier of a specific community, this make sure that the current user can view the community, and return information pertaining to that community.

GET api/v2.0/Communities/GetMyCommunities?includeStatistics={includeStatistics}&includeHiddenCommunities={includeHiddenCommunities}

Returns a list of the Current User's joined Communities.

GET api/v2.0/Communities/GetContactCommunities?contactKey={contactKey}&legacyContactKey={legacyContactKey}

Returns a list of the specified User's joined Communities that the current user can view. If both a ContactKey and LegacyContactKey are specified, the ContactKey will be used. If neither parameter is specified, an error will be returned.

GET api/v2.0/Communities/GetViewableCommunities?includeStatistics={includeStatistics}

Returns a list of Communities the Current User can see.

GET api/v2.0/Communities/GetCommunitiesICanJoin?includeStatistics={includeStatistics}

Returns a list of Communities the Current User is not a member of, but is eligible to join.

GET api/v2.0/Communities/GetMyCommunityInvitations

Retrieve all Community Invitations.

POST api/v2.0/Communities/GetCommunityMembers

Retrieve a list of Members of the specified Community in LastName, FirstName order.

POST api/v2.0/Communities/InviteToCommunity?contactKey={contactKey}&communityKey={communityKey}

Allows the Current User to invite a specified Contact to a specified Community.

POST api/v2.0/Communities/JoinCommunity?communityKey={communityKey}

Joins the current user to the Community identified by the specified Community Key.

POST api/v2.0/Communities/AcceptInvitation

Accept an invitation to a Community.

DELETE api/v2.0/Communities/RejectInvitation?communityInvitationKey={communityInvitationKey}

Reject an Invite to a Community.

DELETE api/v2.0/Communities/LeaveCommunity?communityKey={communityKey}

Removes the Current Contact from the specified Community.


POST api/v2.0/Contacts/WhoAmI

Returns information about the Currently Authenticated User.

GET api/v2.0/Contacts/GetWhoAmI

Returns information about the Currently Authenticated User.

GET api/v2.0/Contacts/GetContact?contactKey={contactKey}

Returns Contact information for the specified contactKey.

GET api/v2.0/Contacts/GetContact?legacyContactKey={legacyContactKey}

Returns Contact information for the specified legacyContactKey.

GET api/v2.0/Contacts/GetMyContacts

Returns a list of Contacts that are Friends of the Current User.

GET api/v2.0/Contacts/GetMyContactsPage?afterContactKey={afterContactKey}&beforeContactKey={beforeContactKey}&limit={limit}

If no afterContactKey or beforeContactKey is provided, then this endpoint will return the first specified set of contacts based on the limit provided. Ordered by LastName, FirstName. To continue a list, using the afterContactKey is recommended to continue to the next page. Using the beforeContactKey will return you the set of contacts in LastName, FirstName order that are prior to the contactKey provided. If both afterContactKey and beforeContactKey are provided, afterContactKey will take precedence.

POST api/v2.0/Contacts/SearchContactsForMentions?searchText={searchText}&maxCount={maxCount}

Provides Contact search results to be used for adding @Mention functionality to Content.

GET api/v2.0/Contacts/GetContactKeyByPrimaryEmail?emailAddress={emailAddress}

Used to find an active Contact by a primary email address. Can only be accessed by an Admin user.

GET api/v2.0/Contacts/GetMyEmailPreferences

Responds with the Currently Authenticated User's Global Email Opt-in/out settings.

POST api/v2.0/Contacts/UpdateEmailPreferences

Change Global Email preferences for 1 or more Contacts. * For use by Administrators only *. Individual users can updated their own Email Preferences via the "UpdateMyEmailPreferences" endpoint.

POST api/v2.0/Contacts/UpdateProfilePicture?contactKey={contactKey}&legacyContactKey={legacyContactKey}

Accepts a Multipart MIME file via a POST Request. Uploads a profile image for the supplied user. * For use by Administrators only *.

POST api/v2.0/Contacts/UpdateMyProfilePicture

Accepts a Multipart MIME file via a POST Request. Uploads a profile image for the Currently Authenticated User.

POST api/v2.0/Contacts/UpdateMyEmailPreferences

Change Global Email preferences for the Currently Authenticated User.

POST api/v2.0/Contacts/AcceptCodeOfConduct

Stores the Current Date as the Acceptance Date.

GET api/v2.0/Contacts/SearchContacts?searchTerms={searchTerms}&searchAllAddresses={searchAllAddresses}&memberStatus={memberStatus}&searchOnlyCompanies={searchOnlyCompanies}&overrideOptOut={overrideOptOut}&contactStatusCode={contactStatusCode}&includeMiddleName={includeMiddleName}&limitToAcceptedTerms={limitToAcceptedTerms}&includeCurrentContact={includeCurrentContact}

Returns Contact data for all Contact Records that match the specified criteria. Searches: City, State/Province, Company Name, Company Title, First Name, Last Name and optionally, Middle Name.

GET api/v2.0/Contacts/SearchContactsForMessaging?searchTerms={searchTerms}

Returns Contact data for all Contact Records that match the specified criteria that the authenticated user has permissions to message. Searches: City, State/Province, Company Name, Company Title, First Name, Last Name, and Middle Name.

GET api/v2.0/Contacts/GetContactsByDemographic?demographicText={demographicText}

Returns Contact data for all Contact Records that with the given demographic

POST api/v2.0/Contacts/GetContactContributions

Returns a list of published items a given Contact has authored. The list includes Announcements, Blogs, Discussion Messages, Library Entries, Questions, and Answers.

POST api/v2.0/Contacts/GetMyContributions

Returns a list of all items the authenticated user has authored. The list includes Announcements, Blogs, Discussion Messages, Library Entries, Questions, and Answers.


POST api/v2.0/DataFeed/GetData

This returns a feed of content published on the site based on the request parameters provided. This endpoint provides content/items in a generic pattern, so that users can display the items in the response as a feed of information pulling from the website. The feed can provide you with several different types of content, which you can filter down to using the request to fit your needs. This endpoint is relatively complex in terms of its capabilities in the request and response.


Endpoints related to Demographics.

POST api/v2.0/Demographics/AddDemographicCategory

Add a new demographic category. Can only be accessed by an Admin user.

POST api/v2.0/Demographics/AddDemographicChoice

Add a new demographic choice. Can only be accessed by an Admin user.

POST api/v2.0/Demographics/SetContactDemographic?demographicKey={demographicKey}

Returns a collection of all existing demographic categories

DELETE api/v2.0/Demographics/RemoveContactDemographic?demographicKey={demographicKey}

Deletes the specified Demographic from the Current User's record.

DELETE api/v2.0/Demographics/RemoveFreeFormContactDemographic?demographicTypeKey={demographicTypeKey}

Deletes the specified Free-Form Demographic entry from the Current User's record.

POST api/v2.0/Demographics/SetFreeFormContactDemographic?demographicTypeKey={demographicTypeKey}&freeFormText={freeFormText}

Update an existing Free-Form Demographic entry or add a new one.

GET api/v2.0/Demographics/GetDemographicTypes

Get the available Demographic Types.

GET api/v2.0/Demographics/GetDemographicChoices

Get the available Demographic choices.

GET api/v2.0/Demographics/GetDemographicChoices?demographicTypeKey={demographicTypeKey}

Returns a list of all existing demographic choices for a given demographic category


Operations to return Discussion-related data.

PUT api/v2.0/Discussions/Edit

Edit a current DiscussionPost

GET api/v2.0/Discussions/GetDiscussion?discussionKey={discussionKey}

Get the Discussion by its Unique Key.

GET api/v2.0/Discussions/GetDiscussionPost?discussionPostKey={discussionPostKey}

Get a DiscussionPost by its Unique Key.

POST api/v2.0/Discussions/GetDiscussionThreadUpdates

Retrieves details about all threads that have been updated since a specified date. Accessible only by Admin users.

GET api/v2.0/Discussions/GetSubscribedDiscussions

Get a list of Discussions to which the Current User is subscribed. Keep in mind that Community membership does not imply Discussion Subscription.

GET api/v2.0/Discussions/GetLatestDiscussionPosts?discussionKey={discussionKey}&maxToRetrieve={maxToRetrieve}&sortByScore={sortByScore}&scoreSortDirection={scoreSortDirection}

Retrieves the latest Discussion Posts for either a single discussion or all viewable discussions.

GET api/v2.0/Discussions/GetDiscussionPosts?discussionKey={discussionKey}&maxToRetrieve={maxToRetrieve}&includeStaff={includeStaff}&sortByScore={sortByScore}&scoreSortDirection={scoreSortDirection}

Retrieves latest discussion posts for either a single discussion or all viewable discussions. Exposes IncludeStaff parameter.

POST api/v2.0/Discussions/GetDiscussionPosts

Returns a list of Discussion Posts for the Current User.

GET api/v2.0/Discussions/GetDiscussionPosts?discussionThreadKey={discussionThreadKey}

Returns all Discussion Posts for the specified Discussion Thread.

GET api/v2.0/Discussions/GetDiscussionPostInThread?discussionPostKey={discussionPostKey}&numberOfReplies={numberOfReplies}&maxBreadCrumbs={maxBreadCrumbs}

This returns information for a specified discussion post, as well as information about its context within the thread. Returning both parent hierarchical information as well as direct children discussion posts.

GET api/v2.0/Discussions/GetPagedDiscussionPostFields

Administrator access only. Returns a list of field names that can be requested via the GetPagedDiscussionPosts() Endpoint.

GET api/v2.0/Discussions/GetPagedDiscussionPosts?communityKey={communityKey}&maxRecords={maxRecords}&continuationToken={continuationToken}&fieldList={fieldList}

Administrator-only endpoint. Provides a customizable and paged list of Discussion Post Properties. The paging mechanism is a 'continuationToken' that is comprised of a DateTime and DiscussionPostId that informs the query engine which DiscussionPost was last retrieved. The Response will include a standard 'Link' Header that will include rel="next" to denote the Uri to be utilized for the next page in the sequence. Paging relies on the continuationToken property to determine the next set of requested DiscussionPosts, as page size may vary depending upon the "maxRecords" value requested by the client.

GET api/v2.0/Discussions/GetLatestTopics?discussionKey={discussionKey}&maxToRetrieve={maxToRetrieve}

No documentation available.

POST api/v2.0/Discussions/SubmitDiscussionPost

Submit a new DiscussionPost to a Discussion.

POST api/v2.0/Discussions/UpdateSubscription

Update Discussion Subscription.

GET api/v2.0/Discussions/GetRecentThreads?discussionKey={discussionKey}&maxToRetrieve={maxToRetrieve}

Retrieves Discussion Thread details. The Threads are returned in descending order of the Last Approval Date for Posts within each Thread. So, Threads with more recent activity will be returned first in the list.

GET api/v2.0/Discussions/GetDiscussionPostReplies?afterReplyDiscussionPostKey={afterReplyDiscussionPostKey}&beforeReplyDiscussionPostKey={beforeReplyDiscussionPostKey}&limit={limit}

Returns a specified number of messages using the afterReplyDiscussionPostKey or beforeReplyDiscussionPostKey as a starting point. If both keys are put in the request, the afterReplyDiscussionPostKey will take precedence.

POST api/v2.0/Discussions/Follow?discussionThreadKey={discussionThreadKey}

POST request follows the specified discussion thread - DELETE removes the follow.

DELETE api/v2.0/Discussions/Follow?discussionThreadKey={discussionThreadKey}

POST request follows the specified discussion thread - DELETE removes the follow.

GET api/v2.0/Discussions/GetEligibleDiscussions

Get a List of Discussions to which the Current User is Eligible to subscribe.

POST api/v2.0/Discussions/PostToDiscussionWithCrossPost

No documentation available.

POST api/v2.0/Discussions/PostToDiscussionAnonymously

No documentation available.

POST api/v2.0/Discussions/PostToDiscussion

Post a Message to the specified Discussion.

POST api/v2.0/Discussions/ReplyToDiscussion

Post a reply to the specified Discussion Post.

POST api/v2.0/Discussions/ReplyToDiscussionAnonymously

Submit a reply to a Discussion Post using the System's Anonymous user. This functionality requires Anonymous Posting to be enabled at the system level.

POST api/v2.0/Discussions/SendMessageToDiscussionPostAuthor

Sends an Inbox Message Reply to a specified Discussion Post's Author.

POST api/v2.0/Discussions/SearchDiscussionPosts

Returns Discussion Post information that meet the search criteria.

POST api/v2.0/Discussions/RecommendDiscussionPost?discussionPostKey={discussionPostKey}

Adds a recommendation for the specified Discussion Post.

POST api/v2.0/Discussions/ToggleBestAnswer?discussionPostKey={discussionPostKey}

Marks the specified Discussion Post as the best answer. Will replace any previously set best answer for the thread. Can only be called by the creator of the thread, or a site or community admin.

DELETE api/v2.0/Discussions/RemovePost?discussionPostKey={discussionPostKey}

Deletes the specified discussion post. If a message has replies, the body will be updated to: "This post was removed" and the message will be anonymized to preserve the thread structure. All documents attached to the message will be deleted. Only administrators can remove/delete messages.

DELETE api/v2.0/Discussions/DeleteDiscussionPostRecommendation?discussionPostKey={discussionPostKey}

Removes a previously made recommendation.

GET api/v2.0/Discussions/GetThreadTags?discussionThreadKey={discussionThreadKey}

Get the tags for a thread by discussion thread key


GET api/v2.0/Events/GetRegistrantDetails?calendarEventKey={calendarEventKey}&contactKey={contactKey}&emailAddress={emailAddress}&firstName={firstName}&lastName={lastName}&useLeadingWildcardSearch={useLeadingWildcardSearch}

Administrator-accessible only endpoint. Returns details about a Registrant for a given Calendar Event. The calendarEventKey parameter is required, along with either contactKey, emailAddress, or lastName.

GET api/v2.0/Events/GetRegistrantsByCalendarEvent?calendarEventKey={calendarEventKey}&modifiedDateTime={modifiedDateTime}

Administrator-accessible only endpoint. Returns Registrant Data for a given Calendar Event and optionally a modified datetime can be passed in to only get updated registrants.

GET api/v2.0/Events/GetEventRegistrants?calendarEventKey={calendarEventKey}&modifiedDateTime={modifiedDateTime}&maxRecords={maxRecords}&continuationToken={continuationToken}

Administrator-accessible only endpoint. Returns Paged Registrant Data for a given Calendar Event.

GET api/v2.0/Events/GetEventType?EventTypeKey={EventTypeKey}

Returns an Event Type

GET api/v2.0/Events/GetEventTypes

Returns all Event Types

GET api/v2.0/Events/GetEventTypesList

Get a list of active event types

POST api/v2.0/Events/SaveEventType

Saves an Event Type

POST api/v2.0/Events/DeleteEventType?eventTypeKey={eventTypeKey}

Deletes an Event Type

POST api/v2.0/Events/RestoreEventType?eventTypeKey={eventTypeKey}

Restores a Deleted Event Type

GET api/v2.0/Events/GetEvent?eventKey={eventKey}

Retrieve details about a single Event.

GET api/v2.0/Events/GetUpcoming?maxRecords={maxRecords}

Returns all Current (beginning today) and Future Events.

POST api/v2.0/Events/SearchCurrentAndFutureEvents?includePastEvents={includePastEvents}&maxRecords={maxRecords}

Returns all Current (beginning today) and Future Events unless otherwise specified.

POST api/v2.0/Events/SearchEvents?maxRecords={maxRecords}

Get Event details. The retrieved Events can be filtered by the values passed in the eventFilter parameter.

GET api/v2.0/Events/CommunityPastEvents?communityId={communityId}&maxRecords={maxRecords}

Returns all events that count toward attendance tracking for the given community.

GET api/v2.0/Events/ContactEventList?contactId={contactId}&maxRecords={maxRecords}

Returns all recent events that the contact has attended.

GET api/v2.0/Events/CommunityEventAttendance?communityId={communityId}&numberOfMeetings={numberOfMeetings}

Returns a list of contacts that participated in the last x community events. The event has to be in the 'done state' to count as a recent meeting.

GET api/v2.0/Events/EventAttendance?eventId={eventId}

Returns a list of contacts that participated in the indicated event. The event has to be in the 'done state' to count as a recent meeting.

GET api/v2.0/Events/GetEventEnabledCommunityList

Gets a collection of allowed communities for the current user that has an associated calendar.

POST api/v2.0/Events/RSVPToEvent?eventKey={eventKey}

RSVPs the current user to the designated event. For events with a registration type of RSVP only, not valid for other registrations. Registering for a parent repeating event also registers you for all following occurrences.

DELETE api/v2.0/Events/RSVP?eventKey={eventKey}

Removes the current user's RSVP to the designated event. For events with a registration type of RSVP only, not valid for other registrations. Removing RSVP for a parent repeating event also removes registration for all following occurrences.


GET api/v2.0/EventSessions/GetSession?sessionKey={sessionKey}

No documentation available.


Provides Mechanisms to Create, Modify, Delete External Activity records.

POST api/v2.0/ExternalActivity/Create

Create a new ExternalActivity record.

PUT api/v2.0/ExternalActivity/Update

DELETE api/v2.0/ExternalActivity/Delete?externalActivityKey={externalActivityKey}&legacyActivityKey={legacyActivityKey}


POST Endpoints for adding external items to the Higher Logic Search Index results. Note that External Search Endpoints are available as an add-on and they require a separate IAMKey for access.

POST api/v2.0/ExternalSearch/AddAnnouncementItems

Add External Announcement Items to the Search Results.

POST api/v2.0/ExternalSearch/AddLibraryItems

Add External Library Items to the Search Results.

POST api/v2.0/ExternalSearch/AddLibraryEntryItems

Add External Library Items to the Search Results.

POST api/v2.0/ExternalSearch/AddCommunityItems

Add External Communities to the Search Results.

POST api/v2.0/ExternalSearch/AddCourseItems

Add External Courses/Webinars to the Search Results.

POST api/v2.0/ExternalSearch/AddBlogItems

Add External Blog Items to the Search Results.

POST api/v2.0/ExternalSearch/AddEventItems

Add External Calendar Event Items to the Search Results.

POST api/v2.0/ExternalSearch/AddPageContent

Add External Navigation Items to the Search Results.

POST api/v2.0/ExternalSearch/AddVolunteerOpportunityItems

Add External Volunteer Opportunity Items to the Search Results.

POST api/v2.0/ExternalSearch/AddGlossaryItems

Add External Glossary Items to the Search Results.


GET api/v2.0/Federation/GetTenant?tenantKey={tenantKey}

No documentation available.

GET api/v2.0/Federation/GetContact?tenantKey={tenantKey}&contactKey={contactKey}

No documentation available.


GET api/v2.0/Friends/GetPendingReceivedFriendRequests

Gets a List of FriendModel objects representing the pending Friend Requests that the Current User has RECEIVED.

GET api/v2.0/Friends/GetPendingSentFriendRequests

Gets a List of FriendModel objects representing the pending Friend Requests that the Current User has SENT.

GET api/v2.0/Friends/GetAcceptedFriendRequests?daysBack={daysBack}

Gets a List of FriendModel objects representing the Friend Requests that the Current User has SENT which have been accepted.

POST api/v2.0/Friends/PostFriendRequest?contactKey={contactKey}

Sends a friend request from the Current User to the specified Contact.

POST api/v2.0/Friends/AcceptFriendRequest?friendRequestRecordKey={friendRequestRecordKey}

Accepts a Friend Request.

POST api/v2.0/Friends/RejectFriendRequest?friendRequestRecordKey={friendRequestRecordKey}

Rejects a Friend Request.

DELETE api/v2.0/Friends/CancelFriendRequest?contactKey={contactKey}

Cancels a Friend Request. Using the current contact and the contactKey of the person the request was sent to

POST api/v2.0/Friends/UnFriend?contactKey={contactKey}

Removes a Friend Relationship from the Current User.


GET api/v2.0/Ideation/IdeaDetails?ideationKey={ideationKey}

Gets the details of an idea.

POST api/v2.0/Ideation/Post

Create a new idea.

GET api/v2.0/Ideation/GetIdeasByStatus?ideationStatusKey={ideationStatusKey}&afterIdeaKey={afterIdeaKey}&beforeIdeaKey={beforeIdeaKey}&numberToReturn={numberToReturn}

Returns a specified number of ideas in a particular status, optionally using the afterIdeaKey or beforeIdeaKey as a starting point. Ideas are ordered by creation date, most recent to least recent. If both keys are included, afterIdeaKey will take precedence.

GET api/v2.0/Ideation/GetIdeasByCategory?ideationCategoryKey={ideationCategoryKey}&afterIdeaKey={afterIdeaKey}&beforeIdeaKey={beforeIdeaKey}&numberToReturn={numberToReturn}

Returns a specified number of ideas in a particular category, optionally using the afterIdeaKey or beforeIdeaKey as a starting point. Ideas are ordered by creation date, most recent to least recent. If both keys are included, afterIdeaKey will take precedence.

POST api/v2.0/Ideation/AddIdeaCategories

Add categories to an idea.

GET api/v2.0/Ideation/GetIdeaStatuses

Get active statuses that can be applied to an idea.

GET api/v2.0/Ideation/GetIdeaCategories

Get active categories that an idea can be associated to.

POST api/v2.0/Ideation/UpdateIdeaStatus

Update the status of an idea.


GET api/v2.0/Messaging/GetInboxMessage?messageKey={messageKey}

Retrieves the specified Mailbox Message

GET api/v2.0/Messaging/GetInboxMessages?firstRecord={firstRecord}&maxRecords={maxRecords}

Retrieves all Inbox Messages for the Current User.

GET api/v2.0/Messaging/GetSentMessages?firstRecord={firstRecord}&maxRecords={maxRecords}

Retrieves Mailbox Messages sent by the current user.

POST api/v2.0/Messaging/SendMessageToContact

Sends a new Message to the specified Contact.

POST api/v2.0/Messaging/ReplyToMessage

Submits a new reply to a specified Mailbox Message to the original message's author.

POST api/v2.0/Messaging/MarkMessageAsRead?messageKey={messageKey}

Changes the specified Mailbox Message Read Status to True.

GET api/v2.0/Messaging/MarkMessageAsRead?messageKey={messageKey}

Changes the specified Mailbox Message Read Status to True.

POST api/v2.0/Messaging/MarkMessagesAsRead

Marks the specified Mailbox Messages as 'Read'.

POST api/v2.0/Messaging/DeleteMessages

Deletes Mailbox Messages from the Authenticated User's Inbox.

POST api/v2.0/Messaging/MarkMessageAsUnRead?messageKey={messageKey}

Changes the specified Mailbox Message Read Status to False.

GET api/v2.0/Messaging/MarkMessageAsUnRead?messageKey={messageKey}

Changes the specified Mailbox Message Read Status to False.

GET api/v2.0/Messaging/GetUnreadMessageCounts

Returns a key-value pair of ContactKey and Unread Message Count. Includes Inbox Messages, Friend Requests and Community Invitations.

POST api/v2.0/Messaging/SendMessageToDiscussionPostAuthor

Sends a private Mailbox Message to the Author of a DiscussionPost.


POST api/v2.0/PageVisit/UpdatePageVisit?pageVisitKey={pageVisitKey}&actionControlID={actionControlID}&actionTaken={actionTaken}

Records page visit data for the current page. Called back from the web if PageVisits are being recorded..


POST api/v2.0/Question/Post

Submit a new question

POST api/v2.0/Question/Answer

Submit a new answer

GET api/v2.0/Question/GetThread?questionKey={questionKey}&numberOfAnswers={numberOfAnswers}

Get a question thread, including the root question and it's first 10 associated answers.

POST api/v2.0/Question/Recommend?questionKey={questionKey}

Acts as a toggle for recommending a question. A POST request will recommend while DELETE will remove the recommendation. A question recommendation refers to "I have this question too" listed under a question in a Q&A thread.

DELETE api/v2.0/Question/Recommend?questionKey={questionKey}

Acts as a toggle for recommending a question. A POST request will recommend while DELETE will remove the recommendation. A question recommendation refers to "I have this question too" listed under a question in a Q&A thread.

POST api/v2.0/Question/Follow?questionKey={questionKey}

POST request follows the specified question - DELETE removes the follow.

DELETE api/v2.0/Question/Follow?questionKey={questionKey}

POST request follows the specified question - DELETE removes the follow.

GET api/v2.0/Question/GetAnswers?afterAnswerKey={afterAnswerKey}&beforeAnswerKey={beforeAnswerKey}&limit={limit}

Returns a specified number of answers using the afterAnswerKey or beforeAnswerKey as a starting point. If both keys are put in the request, the afterAnswerKey will take precedence.

DELETE api/v2.0/Question/Delete?questionKey={questionKey}

Administrator-only endpoint to delete the specified question. All answers associated with the question must be deleted prior to the deletion of the question.

POST api/v2.0/Question/Edit

Edit an existing question


GET api/v2.0/RegistrantClass/GetRegistrantClasses?Active={Active}

Get a list of Registrant Classes


GET api/v2.0/ResourceLibrary/GetLibraryList

Returns a list of Libraries that the Current User is Allowed to View/Join.

GET api/v2.0/ResourceLibrary/GetLibraries

Returns a list of libraries that the Current user is allowed to view/join. This will return a truncated version of the library data.

GET api/v2.0/ResourceLibrary/GetLibraryDocument?documentKey={documentKey}&paginateComments={paginateComments}&commentLimit={commentLimit}

Returns Document details for the specified DocumentKey.

POST api/v2.0/ResourceLibrary/Follow?documentKey={documentKey}

Acts as a toggle for following a resource library entry. A POST request will follow while DELETE will remove the follow.

DELETE api/v2.0/ResourceLibrary/Follow?documentKey={documentKey}

Acts as a toggle for following a resource library entry. A POST request will follow while DELETE will remove the follow.

GET api/v2.0/ResourceLibrary/GetMyLibraryDocuments?maxRecords={maxRecords}

Returns Document Entries created by the Current User.

POST api/v2.0/ResourceLibrary/GetLibraryDocuments

Returns Library Documents according to the optional filter values. Results are returned in Descending Date order.

GET api/v2.0/ResourceLibrary/GetDocumentAttachments?documentKey={documentKey}

Returns Document Attachment Details for the specified Document.

POST api/v2.0/ResourceLibrary/AddComment?documentKey={documentKey}

Add a new Comment to a Document.

POST api/v2.0/ResourceLibrary/UpdateComment?documentCommentKey={documentCommentKey}

Updates the specified Document Comment with new Comment Text.

DELETE api/v2.0/ResourceLibrary/DeleteComment?documentCommentKey={documentCommentKey}

Deletes the specified Document Comment.

DELETE api/v2.0/ResourceLibrary/DeleteLibraryDocument?documentKey={documentKey}

Deletes the specified Library Document.

POST api/v2.0/ResourceLibrary/AddRelatedLink?documentKey={documentKey}

Adds the specified URL as a RelatedLink to the specified Document.

POST api/v2.0/ResourceLibrary/GetFavorites

Returns a list of Favorited Documents.

POST api/v2.0/ResourceLibrary/AddToFavorites?documentKey={documentKey}

Add the specified Document to the Authenticated User's Favorite List.

DELETE api/v2.0/ResourceLibrary/RemoveFromFavorites?documentKey={documentKey}

Remove the specified Document from the Authenticated User's Favorite List.

DELETE api/v2.0/ResourceLibrary/DeleteRelatedLink?relatedLinkKey={relatedLinkKey}

Deletes the specified RelatedLink.

POST api/v2.0/ResourceLibrary/RecommendDocument?documentKey={documentKey}

Adds a recommendation for the specified Document.

DELETE api/v2.0/ResourceLibrary/DeleteDocumentRecommendation?documentKey={documentKey}

Removes a previously made recommendation.

GET api/v2.0/ResourceLibrary/GetDocumentAttachment?documentAttachmentKey={documentAttachmentKey}

Returns Document Attachment Details for the specified Document Attachment.

DELETE api/v2.0/ResourceLibrary/DeleteDocumentAttachment?documentAttachmentKey={documentAttachmentKey}

Removes the specified document attachment from the parent document.

POST api/v2.0/ResourceLibrary/PostDocument?libraryKey={libraryKey}

Creates a document and its attachments in the specified library. Accepts Multipart MIME files via a POST Request. Files must be smaller than 2 GB. In the form data you must include a DocumentName. If posting to a library associated with a topic community, TopicTagKeys must included at least one valid key. You may also include a Description for the document. The name field of each file will override the file name.

POST api/v2.0/ResourceLibrary/PostDocumentAttachments?documentKey={documentKey}

Accepts Multipart MIME files via a POST Request.

POST api/v2.0/ResourceLibrary/InitiateUpload

Initiate a file upload for use in associating files to resource library entries. A small file (<= 5MiB) can be uploaded with a single PUT request using the upload URL contained in the response. Files larger than this threshold must be partitioned into smaller parts/chunks and those chunks uploaded individually via PUT requests with the upload URLs contained in the response.

POST api/v2.0/ResourceLibrary/MultipartUploaded

Complete a multipart upload once all parts have been uploaded. Reconstitutes the file from the uploaded parts in the file repository.

POST api/v2.0/ResourceLibrary/AbortMultipartUpload

Abort an in-process multipart upload.

POST api/v2.0/ResourceLibrary/DocumentFromUpload

Using the ObjectKey returned when initiated the upload, creates a resource library entry once the file upload is complete and has been reconstituted (if necessary).

POST api/v2.0/ResourceLibrary/AppendUploadedAttachment

Appends one or more document attachments to an existing resource library entry using a previously uploaded file. Uses the ObjectKey returned when the upload was initiated once the file upload is complete and has been reconstituted (if necessary). Only valid on Documents (library entries) with a standard, copyright, or attachment entry type.

POST api/v2.0/ResourceLibrary/Edit

Edits the metadata of an existing/published library entry.


GET api/v2.0/System/GetApiDetails

Returns name and parameter type descriptions for the public API endpoints.

GET api/v2.0/System/GetCodeOfConduct

Get the Code of Conduct Details.

GET api/v2.0/System/GetProfileUrls

Using a Tenant's main microsite, this endpoint will grab Urls that allow a user to navigate to various important sections of their profile

GET api/v2.0/System/GetMobileAppSettings

Get the mobile app settings configured by a tenant's administrator. If not set, values default to those of the main microsite.

POST api/v2.0/System/GetCommunityMemberUpdates

Allows an Admin User to View Members who have Joined and Left Communities in the Specified timeframe.


GET api/v2.0/Tagging/GetTags?searchText={searchText}&communityKey={communityKey}

Returns a set of currently existing tags that have been used throughout the tenant in the past based on the search term provided. This endpoint will provide the tags within their tag groups, as well as metadata about each tag. This will also include the markup necessary to include in the body of content created via the api to properly associate the tags to the content. Important Note: Some tags are reserved for admin use only, and there is a property on each tag that specifies if the current user can use the tag or not in content.


Endpoints related to the Volunteer Module.

POST api/v2.0/Volunteer/ApproveVolunteerApplication?sendEmailNotifications={sendEmailNotifications}

Allows Administrators to automatically approve a Volunteer Application by the ContactKey of the Volunteer Applicant and the VolunteerOpportunityKey.

POST api/v2.0/Volunteer/AddToPoolByContactKey?contactKey={contactKey}

Add a new user to the General Volunteer Pool. Can only be accessed by an Admin user.

POST api/v2.0/Volunteer/AddToPoolByLegacyKey?legacyContactKey={legacyContactKey}

Add a new user to the General Volunteer Pool. Can only be accessed by an Admin user.

DELETE api/v2.0/Volunteer/RemoveFromPoolByContactKey?contactKey={contactKey}

Removes the specified Contact from the General Volunteer Pool. Can only be accessed by an Admin user.

DELETE api/v2.0/Volunteer/RemoveFromPoolByLegacyContactKey?legacyContactKey={legacyContactKey}

Removes the specified Contact from the General Volunteer Pool. Can only be accessed by an Admin user.

POST api/v2.0/Volunteer/VolunteerForOpportunityByContactKey?volunteerOpportunityKey={volunteerOpportunityKey}&contactKey={contactKey}&comments={comments}

Volunteer a Contact for a specific Volunteer Opportunity. Can only be accessed by an Admin user.

POST api/v2.0/Volunteer/VolunteerForOpportunity?volunteerOpportunityKey={volunteerOpportunityKey}&comments={comments}

Volunteer for a specific Volunteer Opportunity.

POST api/v2.0/Volunteer/VolunteerForOpportunityByLegacyContactKey?volunteerOpportunityKey={volunteerOpportunityKey}&legacyContactKey={legacyContactKey}&comments={comments}

Volunteer a Contact for a specific Volunteer Opportunity. Administrative access is required.

DELETE api/v2.0/Volunteer/WithdrawFromOpportunity?volunteerOpportunityKey={volunteerOpportunityKey}&comments={comments}

Removes the requesting user from a Volunteer Opportunity. If successful, responds with a 204 (no content). If the current user is not currently listed as a Volunteer for the specified Volunteer Opportunity, responds with a 404 (not found).

DELETE api/v2.0/Volunteer/WithdrawFromOpportunityByContactKey?volunteerOpportunityKey={volunteerOpportunityKey}&contactKey={contactKey}&comments={comments}

Removes the requesting user from a Volunteer Opportunity. If successful, responds with a 204 (no content). If the current user is not currently listed as a Volunteer for the specified Volunteer Opportunity, responds with a 404 (not found). Can only be accessed by an Admin user.

DELETE api/v2.0/Volunteer/WithdrawFromOpportunityByLegacyContactKey?volunteerOpportunityKey={volunteerOpportunityKey}&legacyContactKey={legacyContactKey}&comments={comments}

Removes the requesting user from a Volunteer Opportunity. If successful, responds with a 204 (no content). If the current user is not currently listed as a Volunteer for the specified Volunteer Opportunity, responds with a 404 (not found). Can only be accessed by an Admin user.

GET api/v2.0/Volunteer/GetVolunteerOpportunityList

Returns a list of active Volunteer Opportunities in the system.

GET api/v2.0/Volunteer/GetVolunteerList?volunteerOpportunityKey={volunteerOpportunityKey}

Accessible only by Super Admin, Community Admin (if the Volunteer Opportunity is associated with a Community), and Volunteer Admins only. Returns information about all Volunteers for a specified Volunteer Opportunity.

GET api/v2.0/Volunteer/GetUpcomingVolunteerOpportunities?opportunityTypeKey={opportunityTypeKey}&communityKey={communityKey}&maxToRetrieve={maxToRetrieve}

Returns Upcoming VolunteerOpportunies for Current User.

GET api/v2.0/Volunteer/GetVolunteerOpportunityTypeList

Returns a list of Volunteer Opportunity Types.