Name | Description | Type | Additional information |
AnswerKey |
Unique identifier of the answer. |
globally unique identifier |
None. |
ParentKey |
Unique identifier of the answer's parent question. |
globally unique identifier |
None. |
IsBestAnswer |
True if this answer has been designated as best answer for the root question. False if this answer has not been designated as best answer for the root question. |
boolean |
None. |
BestAnswerOn |
DateTime in UTC when this answer had been designated as best answer for the root question. Omitted when this answer has not been designated as best answer. |
date |
None. |
Content |
HTML Body of the item |
string |
None. |
PublishedOn |
DateTime in UTC when the item was published |
date |
None. |
Community |
Community to which the item was published |
Community |
None. |
Author |
Author to which the item should be attributed |
ContactConcise |
None. |
Attachments |
Attachments included with this item. |
Collection of DocumentAttachment |
None. |
IsAnonymous |
True if author attribution is to indicate item was submitted anonymously, False if the author attribution indicates who authored the item. Omitted when item is attributed to its author. |
boolean |
None. |
Creator |
When item is posted anonymously, indicates the actual author of the item. Omitted when item is attributed to its author. |
ContactConcise |
None. |
EditedOn |
DateTime in UTC when the item was last edited. Omitted if item has not been edited. |
date |
None. |
EditedBy |
Indicates contact that last edited this item. Omitted if item has not been edited. |
ContactConcise |
None. |
IsModerated |
Indicates whether the item is currently moderated. Omitted when the item is not in moderation. |
boolean |
None. |
RecommendationCount |
Number of contacts who have recommended this item. |
integer |
None. |
HasRecommended |
If the current contact has recommended this item |
boolean |
None. |
Tags |
All of the tags indexed for the item. This includes user tags and admin based tags. |
Collection of ItemTagResponse |
None. |
UserPermissions |
Permissions for actions the current user can take on the item. |
Collection of string |
None. |